
In light of COVID-19

The world is currently in a pandemic - COVID-19 has struck swiftly. Unfortunately, as an event based exhibition, we will likely have to cancel some of our appearances as the shows must be rescheduled. We want to do our part to flatten the curve, and prevent the spread of this virus.

Hopefully, this too will pass, and life shall regain normalcy afterwards. We know you’ll want to get back to normal, to attend motorcycle events, and enhance your life with art.

As soon as life is back to normal, and the threat quells, we will go on as planned. We will keep you updated on what shows will be rescheduled and what will go on as normal.

Stay safe, friends, be good to your friends, family, neighbors and strangers. We’re all in this together.


Congregation Show, originally scheduled for April 18, has been rescheduled to October. Unfortunately, this show conflicts with Babes Ride Out and we won’t be able to attend.

Born Free Show has been rescheduled for September 27.

V Twin Visionary Smoky Mountain Tour has been rescheduled for October 8.

Babes Ride Out East has been rescheduled for August 22.

Fuel Cleveland has cancelled their 2020 show and will resume in 2021.

Sturgis is on track to happen at the moment, we are waiting to hear from South Dakota officials on if they will allow the show to go on.